Money, being naturally barren, to make it breed money is preposterous and a perversion from the end of its institution, which was only to serve the purpose of exchange and not of increase. Men called bankers we shall hate, for they enrich themselves while doing nothing.

A partnership was formed between the Senate and the people known as SPQR (the Senate and People of Rome). The political leaders were renowned for their frugality and honest virtue. The means of exchange was strictly regulated in accordance with the increase in population and trade and there was zero inflation.

All great events have been distorted, most of the important causes concealed. If the history of England is ever written by one who has the knowledge and the courage to, the world would be astonished.

The pennies were stamped with a star (Old English stearra), from which the word sterling is derived.

Up to 1873 gold and silver could be coined at any US mint free of charge.

In its 104 years of existence its accounts have never bene submitted to public audit. The following are the bank’s principal shareholders: Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Shearson American Express, Goldman Sachs of New, JP Morgan Chase Bank.

It is at least certain that those in control of the system have raised the strongest objections to every one of the numerous attempts made in Congress to write an instruction into law the directing the Fed to use its tremendous powers to maintain the purchasing power of its money at a stable level.

Some people think the Fed banks are US government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the US for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers.

In 2000 Saddam Hussein decreed that all oil payments would in future be made in euros, as he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy.”

During the period 2008-13 the Fed has expanded its balance by 500% to $5T in order to prop up an insolvent banking sector with its Ponzi-like QE program, while in similar vein between 2007 and 2012 the balance sheets of the 6 largest wester banks have been inflated by 36.4% from $10.7T to $14.6T.

What is not understood by most bankers and economists is that the only method available for keeping the economic running is to sink further into debt (at interest), as debt based money is the only source of our means of exchange. Hence the persistent mantra that growth must be maintained at all costs, because if all loans were to be repaid, the money supply would vanish, and we would be reduced to exchanging goods and services with bank notes and barter.